Order Tags

Delivering what we promise

Nationally approved tags for dairy cattle are required by the Health of Animals Regulations in Canada. The tags are durable, tolerant to temperature changes and designed to work with the shape of the animal’s ear. As a result, there is less risk of ripping, breaking and catching on tag traps.

See our Video Tutorials on the Resources page.

Tag order options for DairyTrace customers outside the province of Quebec:

1) DairyTrace Online: NEW!

Order your animal ear tags directly from your account on the DairyTrace Portal.

To ensure the appropriate authorization for tag ordering, you will first need to contact DairyTrace Customer Services to get set up!

2) Through Holstein Canada:

Order new and re-issue ear tags through your Holstein Canada Web Services account or ConneXXion App.</4>

3) By phone: 1-866-55-TRACE (1-866-558-7223)

4) If you prefer paper:

Download a printable tag order form, complete it, and send it to DairyTrace Customer Services by email, fax or mail:

Email: info@DairyTrace.ca or tags@DairyTrace.ca

Mail: DairyTrace
          Box 2065
          Brantford ON N3T 5W5

Fax: 1-519-756-3502

Note: If you live in Quebec, order from Attestra through your SimpliTRACE Account OR phone: 1-866-270-4319 or 1-450-677-1757

Unique Identification

Once you have your DairyTrace account number and your Premises ID, you can order tags. Every 15-digit ear tag ordered is specifically allocated to the purchasing producer and tags cannot be exchanged or borrowed between family members or friends.

Tag Set #1

Animal Traceability Tags

RFID Button – Panel Back
Large Panel Front – Panel Back

Tag Set #2

RFID Button – Panel Back
X-Large Panel Front – Panel Back

Tag Set #3

RFID Panel – Panel Back
X-Large Panel Front – Panel Back

White Single Button RFID Tag

While dual tagging is optimal, DairyTrace offers a white single button RFID tag that may be used to identify calves born on a dairy farm that are destined to leave the farm at a young age for purposes other than dairy production.
(*not applicable in Quebec)

Tag Positioning

Tag placement is important to long-term retention. Placing tags in the slightly thicker and tougher part of the calf’s ear ensures a tighter ­fit and reduces snags, while allowing animal growth. To ensure facilities remain animal-friendly, eliminate catch or rub points.

Tagging Tips

  • Record the tag number you are about to apply along with the animal’s data (date of birth, sex and premises ID).
  • The female part of the tag (black cap) sits at the front of the ear and the male part (the stem), at the back. The identifiers with black buttons (female part) must be positioned in front of the ear, where they are protected by the curvature of the ear.
  • Position both tags close to the head in the first third (1/3) of the ear and between the two ribs (cartilage bands) of the ear.
  • Between each tagging, disinfect the applicator with an antiseptic solution.
  • For re-tagging, it is better to use a new hole.
  • If a tag from your unused inventory shatters or breaks, put it aside and use another tag. Report the tag numbers involved to DairyTrace customer services.

Use the proper pins with your Allflex tagger.

  • The proper pin is key when fastening the tags together, as the red and green pins are slightly different in diameter, impacting plier withdrawal during tag installation.
  • Remember – Green pin is a GO for Ultraflex tags


Key Factors for Successful Tag Retention

Ultraflex for Better Tag Retention

If you are not satisfied with your tag order, please call customer services and one of our customer service representatives will assist you.

DairyTrace Tag Return Policy

The tag return policy is for DairyTrace tags sold in a province outside of Quebec only. For details on tag returns in the province of Quebec, contact Attestra customer services 1-866-270-4319.

  • Merchandise must be returned within a maximum of thirty (30) days following the order date indicated on the invoice.
  • Merchandise must be intact and not have been used.
  • The merchandise must be returned in its original packaging.
  • Return the complete sets of 30, 60, 90, 120 etc. as indicated on the invoice in sequential order.

Tags should be returned to where they were ordered. Outside Quebec, tags must be returned to DairyTrace Customer Services whereas Quebec producers must return tags to Attestra.

  • Incomplete Sets of Tags
  • Custom Ordered Tags
  • Tissue Sampling Units
  • Re-issued Tags
  • White Single RFID Button Tags

Change of Farm Ownership / Tag Ownership Transfer Occurrences

  • As per the Health of Animals Act, tags cannot be sold or given away if they will be leaving the original shipped to farm location.
  • The new producer may request a transfer of ownership for the remaining tags purchased by the previous owner in certain situations (E.g. The farm has either undergone a generational management change, a farm name change or has been sold as an entire entity. The farming operations must also be continuing at the same premise).
  • All requests for tag ownership transfers must be made by telephone or email through DairyTrace customer service at: 1-866-558-7223 or info@DairyTrace.ca

Please note the below information for destroying official DairyTrace tags.

  • There are leftover unused tags from a farm that has been sold and dispersed. Therefore, dairy farm operations will cease to continue at this premise.
  • Advise DairyTrace customer service at: 1-866-558-7223, of the destruction of the tag range(s).
  • Tags may be returned to the office of DairyTrace/Holstein Canada to be destroyed (costs for returning merchandise are assumed by the purchaser).
  • Tags are not recyclable and must be properly destroyed. This can be done by:
    • use of an industrial shredder
    • defacing them with permanent marker and/or cut the tags/stems before disposal in the trash.

Tagging U.S. Animals

Download the factsheet for information on tagging animals from the United States.