Order Tags
Delivering what we promise
Nationally approved tags for dairy cattle are required by the Health of Animals Regulations in Canada. The tags are durable, tolerant to temperature changes and designed to work with the shape of the animal’s ear. As a result, there is less risk of ripping, breaking and catching on tag traps.

See our Video Tutorials on the Resources page.
Tag order options for DairyTrace customers outside the province of Quebec:
1) DairyTrace Online: NEW!
Order your animal ear tags directly from your account on the DairyTrace Portal.
To ensure the appropriate authorization for tag ordering, you will first need to contact DairyTrace Customer Services to get set up!
3) By phone: 1-866-55-TRACE (1-866-558-7223)
4) If you prefer paper:
Download a printable tag order form, complete it, and send it to DairyTrace Customer Services by email, fax or mail:
Email: info@DairyTrace.ca or tags@DairyTrace.ca
Mail: DairyTrace
Box 2065
Brantford ON N3T 5W5
Fax: 1-519-756-3502
Note: If you live in Quebec, order from Attestra through your SimpliTRACE Account OR phone: 1-866-270-4319 or 1-450-677-1757