
Strengthening the Canadian dairy industry

Our partners include agricultural producers, dairy organizations, and representatives from industry and government. Together they collaborate to identify best practices that will protect farmers, dairy herds, consumers and the Canadian dairy industry.

Explore Dairy Farmers of Canada
Responsible dairy farming is more than milking cows.

Our traceability partners work collectively to choose dairy cattle tags, decide how to best automate, as well as deliver outstanding service to producers. Additionally, our partners provide convenient and efficient options for producers and affiliates to record and report dairy traceability data.

Meet Our Partners

  • Federal government body responsible for the National Livestock Identification and Traceability (TRACE) Program.
  • A federal government department who has provided financial support through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP).
  • Responsible administrator for national dairy cattle traceability, through DairyTrace, as approved by CFIA.
  • Offers software, tools and application solutions to record and report traceability data.
  • Contracts Holstein Canada and Attestra to deliver bilingual customer service support and dairy cattle tag distribution.
  • Responsible for the traceability module of proAction® and federal government liaison.
  • Direct provincial link to dairy producers across Canada.
  • Delivers proAction® traceability training and education and be ambassadors of DairyTrace.
  • Manages the validation/audit process and registration of farms related to proAction®.
  • Records and reports dairy cattle traceability activity, including the sale and distribution of animal tags, automation tools and software solutions in Quebec.
  • Bilingual customer services for SimpliTRACE and DairyTrace in Quebec.
  • Manages dairy cattle traceability data in accordance with federal and provincial regulations for DairyTrace.
  • Technical developer of the DairyTrace database, portal, mobile app and performs information transfer protocols with key stakeholders.
  • Reports dairy cattle traceability activity, including the sale and distribution of tags, automation tools and software solutions in all provinces except Quebec.
  • Bilingual customer services for DairyTrace and the DairyTrace tag program in all provinces except Quebec.
  • Reports dairy cattle traceability activities from non-producer stakeholders outside of Quebec, with information transfer protocols to DairyTrace.

Appreciation to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for funding through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP), a federal, provincial, and territorial initiative.