Premises ID
Premises Identification (PID) is the assignment of a unique number to a location where agri-food activities occur.

Connecting animals to geographic locations
Premises Identification (PID) is the assignment of a unique number to a location where agri-food activities occur.
Connecting animals to geographic locations
Knowing where dairy cattle reside connects animals to geographic locations and supports faster response in an emergency.
A premises is a location site on which animals are kept, moved through, or disposed of. Each site holds a seven-digit premises card that is georeferenced in the DairyTrace database.
A premises ID is:
Any person who houses livestock should register their premises. This includes, but is not limited to:
Each province in Canada has a Provincial Premises Registry (PPR) that issues PIDs. For information on where to obtain a premises identification number and card, contact your provincial dairy organization.
Remember to share your PID on your DairyTrace account to help everyone easily report movement events.
660 Speedvale Avenue West, Suite 101
Guelph, Ontario N1K 1E5
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