Tag Accessories

DairyTrace suggests a variety of traceability tools that have proven to work best for successful tagging, tracking, recording and reporting. The accessories shown below can be purchased from DairyTrace customer services.

Tag order options for DairyTrace customers outside the province of Quebec:

1) DairyTrace Online: NEW!

Order your animal ear tags directly from your account on the DairyTrace Portal.

To ensure the appropriate authorization for tag ordering, you will first need to contact DairyTrace Customer Services to get set up!

2) Through Holstein Canada:

Order new and re-issue ear tags through your Holstein Canada Web Services account or ConneXXion App.</4>

3) By phone: 1-866-55-TRACE (1-866-558-7223)

4) If you prefer paper:

Download a printable tag order form, complete it, and send it to DairyTrace Customer Services by email, fax or mail:

Email: info@DairyTrace.ca or tags@DairyTrace.ca

Mail: DairyTrace
          Box 2065
          Brantford ON N3T 5W5

Fax: 1-519-756-3502

Note: If you live in Quebec, order from Attestra through your SimpliTRACE Account OR phone: 1-866-270-4319 or 1-450-677-1757

Tag Applicators + Pins

Manual Applicator

Universal manual punch applicator – includes 2 green pins.

Automatic Applicator

Retract-O-Matic automatic tag applicator

Green Pin

For proper retention, a GREEN applicator pin is essential.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Readers

Currently only sold either by Attestra in Quebec or directly through Allflex.

Click here for more information:

1-866-270-4319 or 1-450-677-1757

RFID stick reader - AllFlex stick

Allflex RS420 Stick Reader

RFID pocket reader - Allflex

Allflex LPR Pocket Reader

Syscan Livetrack Reader

RFID Gallager Reader

Gallagher Smart Reader HR4 and HR5